MQTT Garage door monitor

I made an ESP8266 project that can monitor the status of up to 3 garage doors and can open/close them too.

I made it as the other options out there just were not polished, or feature rich enough.

Just thought I would make a post and let people know it exists and see if it interests anyone.


Hey, this is awesome. I am doing something very similar. I just started noticing a problem with mine and was wondering if you have had the same issue.

Basically when it is super hot out 90+ my relay stops working. I can see the LED trigger on the relay but it doesn’t fire. Once it cools back down it works. Any ideas? Have you seen this?

I’m using mqtt with a raspberry pi, and a Relay. My garage is often over 95 degrees but I haven’t experienced any problems with mine. Bad relay? ESP device having problems at high temps?

The esp is still responding to other commands, I have a servo setup on it as well to push a button my my remote start lol. I am thinking it could be a bad relay I guess. I’ll try swapping it out.

If the ESP is responding and the LED goes on then I would get a new Relay board. They have moving parts and can fail.

Yeah I agree, just strange it’s temperature dependent. I have several more, I’ll try swapping it out.