I have a Garadget device I’ve had over a year configured to use local MQTT and my logs are constantly reporting this warning:
2020-07-02 10:41:28 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.cover] Payload is not integer within range: -4
The garage door works fine, I just would like to clear up these errors in the logs. It reports every 10-15 seconds. The only integer payload I’m aware of is tilt, which I’m not using…but any ideas would be appreciated. My config is below:
- platform: mqtt
name: Garage Door
device_class: garage
command_topic: garadget/GarageDoor/command
state_topic: garadget/GarageDoor/status
payload_open: open
payload_close: close
payload_stop: stop
state_open: open
state_closed: closed
value_template: '{{ value_json.status }}'