MQTT Help please

Hi guys,
i’ve had some lights working through MQTT for a while and with the new mqtt format I changed to code to suit but now I’m getting a error message in the logs about the Schema line and i can’t find any info about it.
Will i be ok to delete this line or should i edit it to something else ?

ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Invalid config for [sensor]: [schema] is an invalid option for [sensor]. Check: sensor->schema. (See /config/packages/h801_lights.yaml, line 152).

The sensor code …

    - name: "Fish Tank LED"
      schema: json
      unique_id: fish_tank_leds
      icon: "mdi:led-strip-variant"
      state_topic: "LedStrip/Fish_tank_led/rgb/json_status"
      command_topic: "LedStrip/Fish_tank_led/rgb/json_set"
      availability_topic: "LedStrip/Fish_tank_led/active"
      brightness: true
      rgb: true
      effect: true
      effect_list: ["color_mode", "HDMI"]
      qos: 0
      optimistic: false

I believe you are saying that you have an MQTT light. So why are you coding it as an MQTT SENSOR?

you should change to this:

    - name: "Fish Tank LED"

Oh yeah of course i just copied and pasted from another configuration and didn’t spot that part.
thanks for that :+1: :grinning:

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Hi i changed to light instead and the warnings have gone now and the lights do work but there is this message in the logs do you know what it means ?

Manually configured MQTT light(s) found under platform key 'light', please move to the mqtt integration key, see

post your new latest config.

    - name: "Fish Tank LED"
      schema: json
      unique_id: fish_tank_leds
      icon: "mdi:led-strip-variant"
      state_topic: "LedStrip/Fish_tank_led/rgb/json_status"
      command_topic: "LedStrip/Fish_tank_led/rgb/json_set"
      availability_topic: "LedStrip/Fish_tank_led/active"
      brightness: true
      rgb: true
      effect: true
      effect_list: ["color_mode", "HDMI"]
      qos: 0
      optimistic: false

    - name: "White"
      schema: json
      state_topic: "LedStrip/Fish_tank_led/white/json_status"
      command_topic: "LedStrip/Fish_tank_led/white/json_set"
      availability_topic: "LedStrip/Fish_tank_led/active"
      brightness: true
      color_temp: true
      qos: 0
      optimistic: false

    - name: "Combined"
      schema: json
      state_topic: "LedStrip/Fish_tank_led/combined/json_status"
      command_topic: "LedStrip/Fish_tank_led/combined/json_set"
      availability_topic: "LedStrip/Fish_tank_led/active"
      brightness: true
      color_temp: true
      rgb: true
      effect: true
      effect_list: ["white_mode", "color_mode", "both_mode", "HDMI"]
      qos: 0
      optimistic: false

I’m not sure. It looks correct as far as I can see.

Are you sure those are the only mqtt lights you have configured?

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Not that i’m aware of i’ll check through my files.

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I have zigbee2mqtt installed so i also had to change the zigbee2mqtt.yaml from

  # Sensor for monitoring the bridge state
  - platform: mqtt
    name: Zigbee2MQTT Bridge state
    state_topic: "zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state"
    icon: mdi:router-wireless
  # Sensor for Showing the Zigbee2MQTT Version
  - platform: mqtt
    name: Zigbee2MQTT Version
    state_topic: "zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config"
    value_template: "{{ value_json.version }}"
    icon: mdi:zigbee
  # Sensor for Showing the Coordinator Version
  - platform: mqtt
    name: Coordinator Version
    state_topic: "zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config"
    value_template: "{{ value_json.coordinator }}"
    icon: mdi:chip

# Switch for enabling joining
  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Zigbee2MQTT Main join"
    state_topic: "zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/permit_join"
    command_topic: "zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/permit_join"
    payload_on: "true"
    payload_off: "false"


    # Sensor for monitoring the bridge state
    - name: Zigbee2MQTT Bridge state
      state_topic: "zigbee2mqtt/bridge/state"
      icon: mdi:router-wireless
    # Sensor for Showing the Zigbee2MQTT Version
    - name: Zigbee2MQTT Version
      state_topic: "zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config"
      value_template: "{{ value_json.version }}"
      icon: mdi:zigbee
    # Sensor for Showing the Coordinator Version
    - name: Coordinator Version
      state_topic: "zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config"
      value_template: "{{ value_json.coordinator }}"
      icon: mdi:chip
    # Switch for enabling joining
    - name: "Zigbee2MQTT Main join"
      state_topic: "zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/permit_join"
      command_topic: "zigbee2mqtt/bridge/config/permit_join"
      payload_on: "true"
      payload_off: "false"

Thanks yeah that’s how I have it now.
Although I’m trying to change most things into the packages integration soi can just have 1 yaml file for the different kind of sensors.

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