Good morning
Have an ESP32 here running the ahoydtu firmware to collect data from a Hoymiles HM-600 and sends it via MQTT. I can see the graphs for both current power and total daily energy produced.
But the energy dashboard won’t let me add the daily energy sensor as solar production as it is not listed, nor can I add manually the entity ID.
Both power and energy sensors are defined in configuration.yaml like:
- name: "HM-600 AC Power"
state_topic: "inverter/total/P_AC"
unit_of_measurement: "W"
- name: "HM-600 Daily Energy"
unique_id: "sensor.hm_600_daily_energy"
state_topic: "inverter/total/YieldDay"
unit_of_measurement: "Wh"
device_class: energy`
But to no joy…
Anything I’ve missed here?