MQTT integrating a custom sensor - non-numeric value

Hi there,
I’ve been using HA for some time and now I’m trying to add my first custom device using MQTT.
The device talk nice with MQTT broker, as you can see from attached file.

I edited the configuration.yaml file, to add the sensor entries but as I try to add an indicator on the console, I always get “data is non-numeric”. Where is the mistake?

Thank you in advance.

Best regards.



    - name: "Temperatura Soffitta"
      state_topic: "csensors/soffitta01/temp"
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"
      device_class: "temperature"
    - name: "Umidita Soffitta"
      state_topic: "csensors/soffitta01/humi"
      unit_of_measurement: "%"
      device_class: "humidity"

Try and use MQTT explorer to get the full and correct pathway of the state topic. My sensors end with “/state”. Example of one of my temp sensors:

state_topic: "room1/unit_1/sensor/unit_1/state"

The problem was in the way I had written the MQTT topic to listen to:
csensors/soffitta01/temp → /csensors/soffitta01/temp

A slash was missing.

Thank you all for reading and helping.