MQTT integration problems

I’m running HA OS as a VM.
I was having problems with my Tasmota devices not working or reporting status in HA.
I have confirmed it’s not a network issue, can ping and control the devices from TasmotaAdmin.

On the tasmota device in the log I saw messages about not connecting to the MQTT broker.
MQT: Connect failed to
All my tasmota devices (about 10) show the same messages.

So I figured to remove and reinstall the MQTT broker and integration.
However I’ve run in to some problems.

I reinstalled the Mosquitto MQTT addon, and the log says it’s started up fine.
Also the tasmota devices can now connect to the broker again, as the log messages state.

00:27:59.044 MQT: Connected
00:27:59.048 MQT: GS-Living-StaanLamp1/tele/LWT = Online (retained)
00:27:59.053 MQT: GS-Living-StaanLamp1/cmnd/POWER = 

I want to add the MQTT integration as per the documentation.
HomeAssistant shows it automatically as a discovered integration, but when I click to CONFIGURE, it asks for a required field named “Broker”. I have no idea what to fill-in, it’s not mentioned in the documentation.

Also, I can’t click the “MyHomeAssistant” button to add the MQTT integration because it discovered it automatically but won’t configure.

Som I’m kinda stuck here. Hope anyone can help?

Also I tried inserting core-mosquitto in the broker field, but it failed.


After using core-mosquitto as the broker name and typing the username/password I had made in HA specially for MQTT the integration is working again.