MQTT IR Sensor

So I have a IR Sensor that communicated with Home Assistant via MQTT, I am not interested in most possible outcomes, but what I would like to do is basically if it receives one of two payloads either turn on a device state or trigger a script.

I get this data from the sensor as the payload for one.
{“Frequency”:“38500”,“IsRepeated”:“0”,“Protocol”:“01”,“Raw”:“8990 -4500 560 -560 530 -560 560 -560 560 -1660 560 -560 530 -560 560 -560 560 -560 530 -1690 530 -1690 530 -1690 530 -560 560 -1660 560 -1660 560 -1660 560 -1660 560 -1660 560 -1670 560 -560 560 -560 530 -590 530 -560 560 -560 560 -560 530 -560 560 -560 560 -1660 560 -1660 560 -1660 560 -1660 560 -1660 560 -1660 560 -45000”,“RepeatCount”:“0”,“RepeatPause”:“0”,“Signal”:“10EFC03F”,“Updated”:“1678711853”}

made a template to cut out just the signal data

{{ mytestdatajson.Signal }}

Movie Time Signal = 10EFC03F
End of Movie = 10EF807F

How would I go about the next step of this?

Create an automation employing an MQTT Trigger.

alias: example 
  - id: movie_time
    platform: mqtt
    topic: "your/ir_sensor/topic"
    payload: "10EFC03F"
    value_template: "{{ value_json.Signal }}"
  - id: movie_end
    platform: mqtt
    topic: "your/ir_sensor/topic"
    payload: "10EF807F"
    value_template: "{{ value_json.Signal }}"
condition: []
  - if: "{{ == 'movie_time' }}"
      ... Your actions for movie time go here ...
      ... Your actions for end of movie go here ...