I’ve decided to move away from Homeseer and over to HA/Node-Red/mqtt. However given that I have a TON of Zwave devices and sensors in my house, rather than including everything again via Zwave and HA I decided to use a homeseer mqtt plugin. The plugin works, I can turn lights on an off using node-red->mqtt that exist in homeseer. Where I am having issue is with the HA configuration.
The homeseer mcsmqtt plugin sends and receives basic string values for dimmer/switches. With 0 being off and 99 being on. No JSON formatting or anything, just 0-99. However, I can’t figure out how to configure HA in this manner so that it can get status and set values making lights turn on/off etc.
Here is my current configuration for a given light. I have a feeling
- platform: mqtt
name: "Family Room Hall"
unique_id: "FamilyRoomHallLight"
on_command_type: "brightness"
brightness_command_topic: "homeseer/Family_Room/Light/Family_Room_Hallway/Control"
brightness_scale: "99"
payload_on: "99"
payload_off: "0"
state_topic: "homeseer/Family_Room/Light/Family_Room_Hallway"
command_topic: "homeseer/Family_Room/Light/Family_Room_Hallway/Control"
optimistic: false
retain: true
All I want HA to do is send “99” or “0” or another value for dimming between 0-99 as text strings not JSON.