MQTT light effect not showing


I am trying to configure a LED strip and add some effects but the select list does not appear:

# RGB:
  - platform: mqtt
    schema: json
    name: mqtt_json_light_2
    state_topic: "home/rgb1"
    command_topic: "home/rgb1/set"
    brightness: true
    rgb: true
    effect: true
    effect_list: [colorfade_slow, colorfade_fast, flash]
    optimistic: false
    qos: 0

Anyone knows what is wrong? I do not get any error and even I red the documentation, I am not able to display it

not sure. You pretty much have a carbon copy of my config and I see the effects:

- platform: mqtt
  name: TV Cabinet LED Strip
  schema: json
  state_topic: "led_strip/tvcabinet"
  command_topic: "led_strip/tvcabinet/set"
  brightness: true
  rgb: true
  effect: true
  effect_list: [colorfade_slow, colorfade_fast, flash]
  optimistic: false
  qos: 0

Note: the light must be on for the effect dropdown list to be displayed…

Ok, I will try once I get the light on, because I am having trouble with that also.

Thanks lolouk44 :smiley:

I publish the ON state to the topic but I am still unable to get the effect list:

to get the effect list you don’t publish, you just turn the light on, then you can select the effect:

So, the light state must be on in order to see the effect. Once is on, you just need to click on the light name to popup the Parameters. :grinning:

Thank you very much lolouk44

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