MQTT Light Entity Action Fails

Given I can use the dashboard to turn off lights that are set up on smart things. Which makes me believe that I can pass the command to smart things through the mqtt setup.

I am trying to create an automation to do it for me. However, no matter what I attempt I am unable to get the automation to fire.

LIGHT ----

- platform:                 mqtt
  name:                     "Down Stairs"
  state_topic:              "smartthings/Down Stairs/switch"
  command_topic:            "smartthings/Down Stairs/switch"
  brightness_state_topic:   "smartthings/Down Stairs/level"
  brightness_command_topic: "smartthings/Down Stairs/level"
  payload_on:               "on"
  payload_off:              "off"
  retain:                   true


  - platform:         time
    minutes: '/1'
  - service:   light.turn_off
        - light.down_stairs

Not really sure what you’re trying to do. Your automation turns off the light every minute? First check you spacing, this seems to be off. Does the light turns on/off if you toggle the switch on the front? Did you check the HA log?

It turns out I didnt realize my include wasnt working. Once that was figured out all those automations showed up, and my light cutoff within 2 minutes. Debugging finished.