I am afraid you were mislead on the way to post your code snippet. The correct method is described in the link in the blue box at the top of the page. As you can see, the indentation is not correct the way you have posted, which important when trying to find problems in yaml. However, I’m not sure that is the problem here.
As far as your actual problem is concerned, can you paste the commands that work - it is not clear what you mean by
While I do appreciate your candor, if @Gagan_Kochar edited his original post and followed my procedure it would have worked. I didn’t expect him to copy and paste from his original post to a new new post.
well i am new to this but i would steel keep an effort to do things right i was at work then didn’t had file backup on me so for the sake of fast resolution did it ,
something i noticed from HA mqtt tab, publish a packet utility , when i use “” with payload it doesn’t work like "Dimmer:80" wont work but Dimmer:80 without the " " will work
This will only be possible with 1 command. It’s not going to work the way you want it to work with multiple commands because the mqtt light component does not have this functionality. You have to hard code the command. And even then, I’m not sure it will work.
Why is this needed? Why can’t you use 2 mqtt topics?