Mqtt light icon state when client is offline

I have set up a mqtt light:

- platform: mqtt_json
    name: SONOFF Basic 1
    state_topic: "home/sonoff_basic_1/Relay"
    command_topic: "home/sonoff_basic_1/setRelay"
    qos: 0
    optimistic: false 
    retain: true

HA sends ON command to Sonoff, Sonoff turns light ON and sends back an ON command to HA.
So the light bulb icon and toogle switch gets yellow and turned on.

Now I disconnect the Sonoff.

Now I turn OFF the light in HA, it sends the OFF MQTT message, but HA does not turn the light bulb icon and toogle switch off, because HA doesn’t get a confirmation back from the SONOFF that the light was turned OFF.

How can I archive that the light bulb icon and toogle switch gets turned ON and OFF when the SONOFF is offline.
