MQTT light invalid brightness value received

I control multiple Shelly lights via MQTT. Controlling the lights (on/off & brightness) works without any problem. Getting the state (on/off) also works but getting the current brightness fails. See the warning log warning below:

Logger: homeassistant.components.mqtt.light.schema_template
Source: components/mqtt/light/ 
Integration: MQTT 
First occurred: 12:44:25 (3023 occurrences) 
Last logged: 21:06:13

Invalid brightness value received

I use the following confguration:

  - platform: mqtt
    name: 'Light'
    unique_id: 'shelly-vintage-xxxxxx'
      connections: [["mac", "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx"]]
      manufacturer: 'Shelly'
      model: 'Shely Vintage ST64'
    schema: template
    command_topic: 'shellies/ShellyVintage-xxxxxx/light/0/set'
    state_topic: 'shellies/ShellyVintage-xxxxxx/light/0/status'
    state_template: '{% if value_json.ison %} on {% else %} off {% endif %}'
    command_on_template: '{ {% if brightness is defined %}"brightness": {{ brightness / 2.55 }}, {%- endif -%}"turn": "on"}'
    command_off_template: '{"turn": "off"}'
    brightness_template: '{{ value_json.brightness | float * 2.55 }}'

The payload of on the topic shellies/ShellyVintage-xxxxxx/light/0/status looks like:


The brightness range is 0-100. That’s the reason for the * 2.55 (and / 2.55 in the command_on_template)
I also tried only value_json.brightness (without ```* 2.55) but that also didn’t work (same warning log).

My current Home Assistant version is 0.117.6 and HassOS 4.15 running on a Raspberry Pi 1B+.

I’m wondering what I’m doing wrong.

It’s probably expecting integers. Try this:

    command_on_template: '{ {% if brightness is defined %}"brightness": {{ (brightness / 2.55)|int }}, {%- endif -%}"turn": "on"}'
    command_off_template: '{"turn": "off"}'
    brightness_template: '{{ (value_json.brightness | float * 2.55)int }}'
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Thanks for your quick response.

Found out that Home Assistant indeed expects an int for the brightness. I now used the following configuration which works (a little bit different than your suggestion):

brightness_template: ‘{{ (value_json.brightness | float * 2.55) | int }}’

Thanks again!

Ok I got the reason right but not the solution. The format I posted is definitely not correct. Sorry. Probably should not post at 2am.

No problem at all. You helped me out so thank you for your post.

I posted my final solution for others that may have less programming experience and aren’t be able to figure out themselves.