MQTT Light / Switch Availability Topic Stopped Working

Just updated to 0.63.1 (from 0.61.1) and my MQTT lights and switches are showing as unavailable when in fact they are all up and running and working fine. :


  • This was all working fine before updating.
  • The devices always publish their availability state using a retained message.
  • If I subscribe to any of these availability topics they are returning a value that represents “available”.
  • Some of these are in the lights domain and some in the switch domain.
  • If I manually reboot these devices or re-send the availability message via MQTT everything works fine.
  • After manually resolving the issue, if I then restart HA I have the same problem again.

I also have separate sensors that use the same MQTT topics and these all show the correct state:


It’s almost like HA is ignoring the retained messages on these topics. Any one else see this / having problems?

I’ve been chasing the same problem. I have 3 switches and it is hit or miss on how many of them will show up as available each time after HA restart.

I have raised this as an issue:

Did you solve this issue? I have the same issue atm…

I disabled all of my availability configurations as I wasn’t really getting any benefit from them. This said, my MQTT sensors that subscribe to the same topics have been fine since updating to 0.64.