MQTT Manual Alarm Panel Issues

After the last update, I tried to update my alarm panel to use some of the new parameters listed in the MQTT Manual Alarm Panel documentation. However, I consistently receive configuration errors for some of the new params.

The following params are not allowed:

  • code_arm_required
  • arming_time
  • command_template
  • code_arm_required
  • code_disarm_required
  • code_template

The error thrown in the Configuration validation is as follows:

Invalid config for [alarm_control_panel.manual_mqtt]: [arming_time] is an invalid option for [alarm_control_panel.manual_mqtt]. 
Check: alarm_control_panel.manual_mqtt->arming_time. (See ?, line ?).

Also, after the latest update, I would expect the Manual MQTT (Alarm Panel) to share the same configuration and params as the Manual (Alarm Panel). This was mentioned as a breaking change in the recent release of Home Assistant 0.110, yet those changes for the Manual Alarm Panel are not reflected in the documentation for the MQTT Manual Alarm Panel. It’s a bit confusing since the MQTT Manual is based on the Manual.

It also appears in one you have a command_template, but in the other you have a code_template, and also pending_time vs arming_time.

I would expect that I could do this in my configuration file for the platform manual_mqtt:

  - platform: manual_mqtt
    state_topic: home/alarm
    command_topic: home/alarm/set
    trigger_time: 1800 
    disarm_after_trigger: false
    delay_time: 30 
    arming_time: 60 
    command_template: "{\"action\":\"{{action}}\",\"code\":\"{{code}}\"}"
    code_arm_required: false
    code_disarm_required: true
    code: 1234

Has anyone encountered this issue and perhaps knows if this is just a temporary oversight in the documentation? I am the maintainer of an open source MQTT Alarm Panel for Android based on the MQTT Manual Alarm Panel, so it would be nice to use some of these new updates such as the command template and arming and disarming states.


Same problem here. Very weird… and annoying

Just had a chance to see if I could gett this working again. Looking at my original config and the notes in the doc’s I played around with a few versions and then got this code set to work both thru the GUI and your (excellent & highly appreciated) app.

  - platform: manual_mqtt
    state_topic: home/alarm
    command_topic: home/alarm/set
    name: Alarm
    code: '1234'
    pending_time: 0
    delay_time: 20
    trigger_time: 3000
      trigger_time: 0
      pending_time: 10
      delay_time: 0
      pending_time: 30
      delay_time: 0

Yeah, this works with the old code, but with the new update either the the MQTT Manual was not updated, or the docs are wrong. We should be able to add these to the config:

  • code_arm_required
  • arming_time
  • command_template
  • code_arm_required
  • code_disarm_required
  • code_template
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Problem still not solved in Home Assistant 2020.12.1

i found this searching for pending_time vs arming_time in manual_mqtt.

The update didnt break anything for me, ive been using pending_time and pretty basic setup forever.

Just was wondering . I thought perhaps they didnt get to it yet since nothing broke (in my case) and doc hasnt changed :man_shrugging: