MQTT no longer working after server restart


A few more tweaks and I figured out my mistake! Disregard!

Good morning all and Merry Christmas! Prior to heading out to my festive gatherings, I was consumed by my Home Assistant server acting up. Basically my thermostat temps weren’t updating… it’s happened before, I may post a question about it later on. Anyway I was having issues getting the HA service to stop so I power-cycled the server (because why not!) Upon back online, I logged into the web interface. Everything connected except for my MQTT device. I peaked at the HA logs and see:

File “/srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.5/site-packages/homeassistant/components/mqtt/”, line 779, in _raise_on_error ‘Error talking to MQTT: []’.format(mqtt.error_string(result_code)))
Error talking to MQTT: The client is not currently connected.

Checking on the HA server, I confirmed my Mosquitto service is running and it was able to locat my MQTT device. Am I missing something here as it had been working for months prior to this! I guess worst case I do have a snapshot of my server I could revert back to, but it was prior to installing Mosquitto!