I have a problem with MQTT. I upgraded to version 2022/12 and my MQTT sensors stopped working.
I reconfigured them from the original: Sensor: MQTT: to MQTT: Sensor. I set up Mosquitto MQTT as instructed:
He created the mqttbroker user and in the integrations I saw MQTT, I set it up and configured it, in the next step I left everything as it was.
I restarted everything to be sure, but the MQTT integration says “Not Loaded”.
I tried mosquitto_sub and everything runs as it should there, as well as through the Windows application MQTT Explorer, which I connected to the broker and I can see the sensor changes.
If I look at the integration and try to start listening, it tells me that "Failed to call service mqtt/publish. Service not found.”
I tried that too. Same result, MQTT Not Loaded. I’ve tried just about everything.
Until now, I deleted everything related to mqtt from configuration.yaml, so it caught and loaded MQTT, which has a discovery character. So how do I get those there without this option?
Your broker and the integration must match credentials. If you connected to the broker using MQTT Explorer, then you must have used no credentials - which is fine, but you have credentials entered on the integration. Remove them.
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I just installed the broker on a machine without it…
After starting and configuring it, do NOT use ‘re-configure’, as HA already filled in the correct settings:
The username should remain ‘homeassistant’ with a system generated password
delete the MQTT broker addon
add it again and start it
in devices and integrations, locate the newly discovered mqtt and hit configure: Do you want to configure Home Assistant to connect to the MQTT broker provided by the add-on Mosquitto broker?
Success! Created configuration for Mosquitto broker.
Hi, i solved it. The problem was in the last mqtt sensor, when I removed it everything started working like a charm. At the same time, the log referred me to the first line 327 in the config, where it was “mqtt:”, no mention that it was a specific sensor. Strange behavior.