Mqtt not working (not installed by AIO)


I’ve used the AIO-installer on several occasions without any problems. This time, the MQTT-broker did not install so I need to do it manually. Is it possible to retrieve the exact steps taken when installing mosquitto from the AIO-installer?


Same here, did a second install with the all-in-one which used 33.4 and mqtt does not automatically install.

Tried to compile mqtt manually and it didn’t work due to some library missing. Ran sudo apt-get install libwebsockets-dev, which allowed me to compile.

Next problem to solve is getting mqtt auto starting (I can run it manually.)

Same problems for me. I’m trying a clean install but now I’ve read this I don’t like my chances. I was able to install mosquitto separately but it didn’t accept any connections.

Did you create a user and password file after installing? I did that and started mosquitto using “mosquitto -d”. It works, but mosquitto is not started automatically.

Unfortunately it’s worse than that. I get two issues:

  1. the mosquitto config generated in configuration.yaml is 4 spaces to the right (easily fixed)
  2. I get: mosquitto: command not found.

This is a pure clean install, so nothing exotic added to the mix…

And mosquitto.conf is not found at: sudo nano /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf

I take this as an ominous sign.

And, stupidly, i just read the heading again, I am using AIO, so this may not be relevant to your issue.

I’m also using AIO so it’s indeed relevant.

I’ve filed an issue in Github now:

I got Mosquitto to work. Please see the issue for more info.