Mqtt output type?

Ok my setup is like this I have hassio running on raspberry Pi 3b+ and have 11 Arduino mega with ethernet board (w5500) every Arduino for seperate area of my house and all connected together with mosquito add-on mqtt broker every thing is running good most of the time ok this is my setup for your understanding.
Now for the problem I am having is that let’s think like I have 14 or 16 output s on 1 Arduino for now I have connected relay board to Arduino as required per room or area in my house but problem is that every entity in my configuration.yaml is under light:
So home assistant thinks that every entity is light.

So in Lovelace ui automation there are lot of options which I don’t need so is there any other way to add mqtt output instead of light like (output, socket,wall outlet, )

In simple words I want to add mqtt output but not in

Please help

Just put the mqtt platform under another class.

E.g., for a switch MQTT Switch - Home Assistant (

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - platform: mqtt
    command_topic: "home/bedroom/switch1/set"
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Ok don’t get me wrong if have missed something
I want Arduino output as mqtt entity in home assistant and think switches are input not output

Then use a mqtt sensor, I guess:
MQTT Sensor - Home Assistant (