Mqtt Publish Payload Problem

Hi, Im needing some help with a Automation im building. I’ve build an AWTRIX clock to monitor many of my home sensors via the MQTT built in AWTRIX

In order to be seen in Awtrix the payload of the MQTT message has to be in this format

“text”:“Totally Awesome”,

Ive a problem sending this payload via the Automation GUI or using the “Configurator” Add-on

If test-drive the message through the MQTT in configurations everything works but if I paste it in the automation payload it does not work. Ive narrow it down to " {{ states.sensor.dolar_ccl_venta.state }} "

Example: working message (Tested using the MQTT publisher in settings):

{“name”:“DolarCCL”,“force”:true,“icon”:520,“moveIcon”:true,“repeat”:2,“text”:“Dolar : {{ states.sensor.dolar_ccl_venta.state }}”,“color”:[0,255,0]}

How I am supposed to write down this in a payload or payload_template


If I trigger an automation with :slight_smile:

{“name”:“Dolar CCL”,“force”:true,“icon”:520,“moveIcon”:true,“repeat”:2,“text”:“{{states.sensor.dolar_ccl_venta.state}}”,“color”:[0,255,0]}

what gets published in AWTRIX is the “{{states.sensor.dolar_ccl_venta.state}}” instead of the value that sensor for example “78.52”


payload_template: >-
  { name:"Dolar CCL", force:true, icon:1005, moveIcon:true, text:  {{
  states.sensor.dolar_ccl_venta.state}}, color:[ 255, 102, 102 ] }
topic: awtrix/notify

Hi all,
I want to use my Awitrix with Home Assistant,
MQTT was actived on Awtrix and connection OK to HA.
MQTT integation on HA is OK
But when I use service mqtt.publish on developper tools, no answer from awtrix.
Can you confirm how publish an corect simple message ?
Where can I check log of send message ?