I have an automation where I want to send a status to my MQTT to be picked up by another system/service. I have it working but the retain: true
doesn’t work
service: mqtt.publish
topic: "topic/path"
payload: > ...script that works...
retain: true
Doe the publish service not support retain? doesn’t say anything in docs, so i’m guessing not, which really sucks.
February 5, 2019, 1:39am
It most certainly does work. I’m using it.
Which broker are you using?
How do you know the message is not retained?
@tom_l did i do the code right?
I’m using mosquito on an ubuntu 18 machine. Retain works from other systems. I know it doesn’t have the retain flag as I monitor with MQTT.fx and it says its not set. Also, when I subscribe from another system, I don’t get the value sent by my automation, therefore, retain not set.
@tom_l strange… it started working i must have had a typo in “retain” or something… would have thought it would error out and not work at all.
1 Like
February 5, 2019, 1:46am
From the Services page:
is definitely supported.
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November 4, 2020, 5:08pm
I’m experiencing the same odd thing. I set retain: true
, but for some reason mqtt.publish
is not not setting the parameter.
HA: 0.116.4
Mosquitto broker 5.1 running as add-in
I use the below automation to listen if I get any lights sending state commands, and use that to trigger an auto discovery on topic ha_discovery
# Light
- id: mqtt_config_entity_creator_light
alias: mqtt_config_entity_creator_light
- platform: mqtt
topic: '+/light/+/state'
condition: template
value_template: >
{% set base_topic = trigger.topic.split('/')[0] %}
{% set entity = trigger.topic.split('/')[2] %}
{% set entity_id = 'light.' + base_topic + '_' + entity %}
{{ states(entity_id) == 'unknown'}}
- service: mqtt.publish
topic: "ha_discovery/{{ trigger.topic.split('/')[1] }}/{{ trigger.topic.split('/')[2] }}/config"
payload: >
{% set base_topic = trigger.topic.split('/')[0] %}
{% set domain = trigger.topic.split('/')[1] %}
{% set entity = trigger.topic.split('/')[2] %}
{"name": "{{ (base_topic + ' ' + entity) | replace('_', ' ') | title }}",
"payload_off": "off",
"payload_on": "on",
"command_topic": "{{ base_topic + '/' + domain + '/' + entity + '/set' }}",
"state_topic": "{{ base_topic + '/' + domain + '/' + entity + '/state' }}",
"brightness_state_topic": "{{ base_topic + '/' + domain + '/' + entity + '/brightness' }}",
"brightness_command_topic": "{{ base_topic + '/' + domain + '/' + entity + '/brightness/set' }}",
"unique_id": "{{ base_topic + '_' + entity }}" }
retain: true
When I listen to the topic, I see that the message has not been retained . Anyone knowing what goes on here?
I’m having the same issue - did you ever resolve this?