MQTT Publish service - template for topic

I’m attempting to set the topic to publish to, based on an input_select and an array (see code below)

The script however does not work, complaining about the topic not being in the dictionary.

service: mqtt.publish
  topic: >
     {% set mqttTopicsMap = { 'Humidifier' : 'home/Bedroom/Humidifier/cmnd/teleperiod', 
                             'Bathroom' : 'home/Bathroom/Bathroom/cmnd/teleperiod', 
                             'ChrismasTree' : 'home/Livingroom/ChristmasTree/cmnd/teleperiod',
                             'Spare-Plug' : 'home/unassigned/Spare-Plug/cmnd/teleperiod'} %}
    {% set targetSwitch = states('input_select.tasmota_switch') | lower %}
    {{ mqttTopicsMap[targetSwitch] }}
  payload: >
    {{ states('input_number.mqtt_tasmota_update_interval') | int }}