Mqtt RGB light

Hello i have a problem im working on a mqtt Led strip and i have configuerend it in the configuration.yaml is working but it dosnt show the rgb ring the with home assistent comes…

here is my code

    - name: "RGB"
      unique_id: "Test1234"
      state_topic: "inTopic"
      command_topic: "inTopic"
      brightness_state_topic: "Brightness"
      brightness_command_topic: "Brightness"
      rgb_state_topic: 'office/rgb1/rgb/status'
      rgb_command_topic: 'office/rgb1/rgb/set'
      rgb_value_template: "template"
      qos: 0
      payload_on: "1"
      payload_off: "0"
    - name: "Programms"
      unique_id: "Test1"
      command_topic: "Programm"
      payload_press: "1"
      qos: 0
      retain: false

have fixed it