Hi All,
I have my ITHO fan now also controlled Ising ESP board.
Hey creates some sensors, and fan configurations. But maybe they’re old because when I add them I get errors:
platform: mqtt
name: "ITHO Speed"
state_topic: "ITHO/Fan/State"
value_template: >-
{% if value|float==0 %}Standby{% endif %}
{% if value|float==1 %}Laag{% endif %}
{% if value|float==2 %}Medium{% endif %}
{% if value|float==3 %}Hoog{% endif %}
{% if value|float==4 %}Full{% endif %}
{% if value|float>=11 %}Hoog(T){% endif %}
Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: while scanning a simple key
in "/config/package/compontents/sensors/mqtt/itho/itho_speed.yaml", line 6, column 1
could not find expected ':'
in "/config/package/compontents/sensors/mqtt/itho/itho_speed.yaml", line 7, column 1
Can someone assist me with this?