MQTT sensor - expire_after not going up

I have recently experienced new issue with mqtt sensors/binary sensors.
I have few custom build device that communicate with HA via MQTT integration. Some entities use expire_after parameter, like:

-   name: "Device 21"
    unique_id: device_21
    state_topic: "canStatus/21/#"
    device_class: connectivity
    expire_after: 60
    value_template: "ON"

This is sensor that checks if device 21 is sending anything. If not it means that there is some communication issue and entity is going unavailable and I’m getting the notification. When problem is fixed new payload comes and entity used to go up again. But now it remains unavailable until I reload mqtt configuration.
I have found new property: off_delay: 60 that will do the job, but why old functionality is broken?
Still I would like to have some other sensors unavailable not off.

maybe this:

Looks like that’s it. Thanks.