I have the problem that my temperature sensor (tasmota running on it) is sending multiple values and some time HA misses one of them.
The JSON that I send looks like the following
{"StatusSNS":{"Time":"2017-08-20T08:24:06", "DHT22":{"Temperature":16.6, "Humidity":99.9}, "TempUnit":"C"}, "Vcc":3.066, "Bootcount":1}
I configured 3 sensors to catch temperature, humidity and VCC.
- platform: mqtt
name: dht_221_esp_garden_temperature
state_topic: "/home/garden/temperature_dht22_1/stat/STATUS10"
unit_of_measurement: "C"
value_template: '{{ value_json.StatusSNS.DHT22.Temperature }}'
- platform: mqtt
name: dht_221_esp_garden_humidity
state_topic: "/home/garden/temperature_dht22_1/stat/STATUS10"
unit_of_measurement: "%"
value_template: '{{ value_json.StatusSNS.DHT22.Humidity }}'
- platform: mqtt
name: dht_221_esp_garden_voltage
state_topic: "/home/garden/temperature_dht22_1/stat/STATUS10"
unit_of_measurement: "%"
value_template: '{{ ((float(value_json.Vcc)/3.3)*100)|round(1) }}'
And the result currently loooks like that:
According to the logs the messages were delivered (as expected) every 30 minutes. Problem is that HA seems to regularly miss some values. Is there any known problem with the mqtt sensor or do I need to change anything in my config in order to improve the reliability of HA.