I want simulate light mqtt sensor in my node red.
I try do this using that article MQTT Light - Home Assistant
in configuration.yaml, after reboot, i have that in my list of registry entity
# Loads default set of integrations. Do not remove.
# Load frontend themes from the themes folder
themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes
# Text to speech
- platform: google_translate
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml
sensor: !include sensors.yaml
- name: "Office light 4"
object_id: "office_light_4"
unique_id: "office_light_4"
state_topic: "office_4/light/status"
command_topic: "office_4/light/switch"
brightness_state_topic: 'office_4/light/brightness'
brightness_command_topic: 'office_4/light/brightness/set'
qos: 0
payload_on: "ON"
payload_off: "OFF"
optimistic: true
in list of entity
okay, now i try do this that same, but only discovery when he show in mqtt server.
my simple program at node.red
function block “office light 5”
msg.topic = "office_light_5/config"
msg.payload = {
"device_class": "None",
"object_id": "office_light_5",
"unique_id": "office_light_5",
"name": "Office light 5",
"state_topic": "office_5/light/status",
"command_topic": "office_5/light/switch",
"brightness_state_topic": 'office_5/light/brightness',
"brightness_command_topic": 'office_5/light/brightness/set',
"qos": 0,
"payload_on": "ON",
"payload_off": "OFF",
"optimistic": true
return msg;
function block ‘set “office_5/light/brightness/set” value’
msg.topic = "office_5/light/brightness/set"
msg.payload = 111
return msg;
function block ‘set “office_5/light/switch” value’
msg.topic = "office_5/light/switch"
msg.payload = "ON"
return msg;
And i see that message in my mqtt broker
What i have done wrong? Do you have idea? with more simple sensor ( like temperature ) that work, but for light i cannot break a wall of unknowledge…