MQTT Sensor stopping to work


I have configured mqtt sensors for energy measurement and they used to work fine, but suddenly stopped working.

I have checked that the message is sent to HA and can see it every 10s.

Message 13 reçu sur tele/Linky/SENSOR à 22:14 :

{“TIC”:{“ADSC”:“022276116693”,“VTIC”:2,“NGTF”:“TEMPO”,“LTARF”:“HC BLEU”,“EAST”:1004140,“EASF01”:834292,“EASF02”:34603,“EASF03”:60434,“EASF04”:58796,“EASF05”:8101,“EASF06”:7914,“EASF07”:0,“EASF08”:0,“EASF09”:0,“EASF10”:0,“EASD01”:902827,“EASD02”:101313,“EASD03”:0,“EASD04”:0,“IRMS1”:2,“IRMS2”:0,“IRMS3”:1,“URMS1”:238,“URMS2”:240,“URMS3”:238,“PREF”:12,“PCOUP”:12,“SINSTS”:767,“SINSTS1”:444,“SINSTS2”:48,“SINSTS3”:275,“SMAXSN”:7270,“SMAXSN1”:2850,“SMAXSN2”:2110,“SMAXSN3”:2300,“SMAXSN-1”:7190,“SMAXSN1-1”:2830,“SMAXSN2-1”:2090,“SMAXSN3-1”:2300,“CCASN”:542,“CCASN-1”:554,“UMOY1”:240,“UMOY2”:240,“UMOY3”:239,“STGE”:“013A0000”,“DPM1”:0,“FPM1”:0,“PRM”:2147483647,“RELAIS”:1,“NTARF”:1,“NJOURF”:0,“NJOURF+1”:0,“PPOINTE”:“00004003 06004004 16004003 NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE NONUTILE”,“SINTS3”:180,“UMS1”:241,“ESD02”:88269,“SINSS1”:387,“SMASN2-1”:2090}}

QoS: 0 - Retain: false

Here is my sensors setup which uses to work



    - name: "Puissance Actuelle."

      state_topic: "tele/Linky/SENSOR"

      unit_of_measurement: "kW"

      value_template: "{{ (value_json.TIC.SINSTS | float /1000) | round(2)}}"

      icon: mdi:flash

    - name: "Puissance Phase 1"

      state_topic: "tele/Linky/SENSOR"

      unit_of_measurement: "kW"

      value_template: "{{ (value_json.TIC.SINSTS1 | float /1000) | round(2)}}"

      icon: mdi:flash

    - name: "Puissance Phase 2"

      state_topic: "tele/Linky/SENSOR"

      unit_of_measurement: "kW"

      value_template: "{{ (value_json.TIC.SINSTS2 | float /1000) | round(2)}}"

      icon: mdi:flash

    - name: "Puissance Phase 3"

      state_topic: "tele/Linky/SENSOR"

      unit_of_measurement: "kW"

      value_template: "{{ (value_json.TIC.SINSTS3 | float /1000) | round(2)}}"

      icon: mdi:flash

    - name: "HP Bleu"

      state_topic: "tele/Linky/SENSOR"

      unit_of_measurement: "kWh"

      value_template: "{{ value_json.TIC.EASF02 | float /1000 }}"

      icon: mdi:lightning-bolt

      state_class: total_increasing

      device_class: energy


    - name: "HC Bleu"

      state_topic: "tele/Linky/SENSOR"

      unit_of_measurement: "kWh"

      value_template: "{{ value_json.TIC.EASF01 | float /1000 }}"

      icon: mdi:lightning-bolt

      state_class: total_increasing

      device_class: energy

    - name: "HP Blanc"

      state_topic: "tele/Linky/SENSOR"

      unit_of_measurement: "kWh"

      value_template: "{{ value_json.TIC.EASF04 | float /1000 }}"

      icon: mdi:lightning-bolt

      state_class: total_increasing

      device_class: energy

    - name: "HC Blanc"

      state_topic: "tele/Linky/SENSOR"

      unit_of_measurement: "kWh"

      value_template: "{{ value_json.TIC.EASF03 | float /1000 }}"

      icon: mdi:lightning-bolt

      state_class: total_increasing

      device_class: energy

    - name: "HP Rouge"

      state_topic: "tele/Linky/SENSOR"

      unit_of_measurement: "kWh"

      value_template: "{{ value_json.TIC.EASF06 | float /1000 }}"

      icon: mdi:lightning-bolt

      state_class: total_increasing

      device_class: energy

    - name: "HC Rouge"

      state_topic: "tele/Linky/SENSOR"

      unit_of_measurement: "kWh"

      value_template: "{{ value_json.TIC.EASF05 | float /1000 }}"

      icon: mdi:lightning-bolt

      state_class: total_increasing

      device_class: energy

Since 2 days, it keeps turning on and off, and more off.

Any suggestions?

Some of my MQTT sensors also stopped working after the latest HA Core 2023.5 update. Anyone else have this problem?

I restored to HA Core 2023.4.6 and my MQTT Sensors are working again. Seems there is a break change in 2023.5.3?