after searching and testing solutions from the forum, I’m still unable to get mqtt value … it is “unknown”
Thanks for your help and suggestions.
What I have :
- a sensor sending json --> {“orp”:" 100"} under the topic /piscine/sondes
- Mosquito + mqtt.fx : I can get the payload
- HA : when using ‘listen to topic’ in the mqtt integration, I can get the payload
- HA : when I publish to the topix, mqtt.fx get the payload
- HA : mqtt_dump.txt contains the payloads
the configuration.yaml I’m using :
sensor :
- platform: mqtt
name : “sonde Orp”
unique_id : sondeORP
state_topic: “/piscine/sondes”
qos : 0
value_template: "{{ value_json.orp }}"
icon: mdi:information-outline
I’ve tested with direct value (no json), with quoted/unquoted value (10 or “10”) … same result : “unknown”
I’m sure I’m missing something, but what ?