Upgraded to latest available and read about command_line: which I have pushed 4 of my sensors to. They are all working as expected.
Home Assistant 2023.7.2
Supervisor 2023.07.1
Operating System 10.3
Frontend 20230705.1 - latest
Issue for me is some of my other MQTT sensors are working if I monitor MQTT command line but not updating the front end.
Example both freecapacity and diskstatus return 3.0 and OK but diskstatus is not updating the front end where free capacity is.
!include MQTTsensors.yaml
#DVR Checks
- name: "DVR Capacity"
state_topic: "home/security/dvr/freecapacity"
unit_of_measurement: "GB"
icon: mdi:harddisk
- name: "DVR Disk"
state_topic: "home/security/dvr/diskstatus"
unit_of_measurement: "state"
icon: mdi:harddisk
Run a nodered flow to MQTT out node and a MQTT in node. DVR Capacity MQTT is correct and so is DVR Disk
Front end
I have a few sensors all MQTT with this type of issue some work some dont…
If I use the state under Dev tools set to Ok it works.