MQTT sensors not working after update to Mosquitto 6.0.0

For some months I’m using a 8266ESP which provides some data via MQTT and it`s working fine all the time.

With update of the Mosquitto-broker to 6.0.0. there was a change to named users only with user-id and password. I changes this in my 8266ESP sketch and it’s connecting to the Mosquitto broker and sending MQTT-data to my MQTT-monitors (iPad with an ICPDAS-app for this).

The problem is: My MQTT-sensors are broken now. They do not show any value in HA. I’ve searched through the chatrooms and blogs without finding any hint, what could be wrong with it. Exactly the configuration, you see below, was working for weeks, but obviously “killed” by the update. The state_topics are as they have been all the time.

Has anyone the “golden hint”, what’s wrong with it?

This is the sensor-part of my configuration.yaml:

#MQTT-Sensoren im Serverschrank
- platform: mqtt
  name: "Temp. Serverschrank"
  state_topic: "mqttuser/serverschrank/temperatur"
  unit_of_measurement: "°C"
  device_class: temperature
- platform: mqtt
  name: "RLF Serverschrank"
  state_topic: "mqttuser/serverschrank/luftfeuchte"
  unit_of_measurement: "% rel.LF"
  device_class: humidity
- platform: mqtt
  name: "Rauchgas Serverschrank"
  state_topic: "mqttuser/serverschrank/smoke"
  unit_of_measurement: " ppm"
  device_class: gas
- platform: mqtt
  name: "CO-Gas Serverschrank"
  state_topic: "mqttuser/serverschrank/co"
  unit_of_measurement: " ppm"
  device_class: gas
- platform: mqtt
  name: "LPG-Gas Serverschrank"
  state_topic: "mqttuser/serverschrank/lpg"
  unit_of_measurement: " ppm"
  device_class: gas

The “make a code” - conversion seems not to be working on my mac. tried several times - sorry. I hope it is good enough to see, what the point is.

Same here, I updated last night to the latest HA and latest MQTT and my Brultech energy monitor MQTT is no longer active. Going to dig through to see if I need to change my configs.

I restarted Mosquito add-on and removed the MQTT integration (apparently I had 2?), after restarting everything I started receiving data again and things seem to be back working.