I am trying to thin out the state stream. Here’s what I have now:
08:46:28 MQTT.eg/sensor/termostat_8_temperature/state u"22.5"
08:46:28 MQTT.eg/sensor/termostat_8_temperature/node_id u"3"
08:46:28 MQTT.eg/sensor/termostat_8_temperature/value_instance u"1"
08:46:28 MQTT.eg/sensor/termostat_8_temperature/value_id u"“72057594093256722"”
08:46:28 MQTT.eg/sensor/termostat_8_temperature/friendly_name u"“Gulvvarme 2"”
08:46:28 MQTT.eg/sensor/termostat_8_temperature/unit_of_measurement u"“\u00b0C”"
08:46:28 MQTT.eg/sensor/termostat_8_temperature/value_index u"1"
08:46:28 MQTT.eg/sensor/termostat_8_unknown/state u"0.0"
08:46:28 MQTT.eg/sensor/termostat_8_unknown/node_id u"3"
08:46:28 MQTT.eg/sensor/termostat_8_unknown/value_instance u"1"
08:46:28 MQTT.eg/sensor/termostat_8_unknown/value_id u"“72057594093273090"”
08:46:28 MQTT.eg/sensor/termostat_8_unknown/friendly_name u"“Gulvvarme 3"”
08:46:28 MQTT.eg/sensor/termostat_8_unknown/unit_of_measurement u"“kWh”"
08:46:28 MQTT.eg/sensor/termostat_8_exporting/state u"False"
08:46:28 MQTT.eg/sensor/termostat_8_exporting/node_id u"3"
08:46:28 MQTT.eg/sensor/termostat_8_exporting/value_instance u"1"
08:46:28 MQTT.eg/sensor/termostat_8_exporting/value_id u"“72057594093273600"”
08:46:28 MQTT.eg/sensor/termostat_8_exporting/friendly_name u"“Gulvvarme 1"”
08:46:28 MQTT.eg/sensor/termostat_8_exporting/value_index u"32"
I only need the first info, so I tried to filter for that in the configuration file:
MQTT State stream
base_topic: eg
publish_attributes: true
- lock
- binary_sensor
- switch
- sensor
- sensor.Termostat_8_temperature.state
(There should be the necessary spaces in the code, but for some reason the code view here on the forum removes leading spaces, I think.) But that give me an error message that I really don’t get much out of:
Invalid config for [mqtt_statestream]: Entity ID sensor.termostat_8_temperature.state is an invalid entity id for dictionary value @ data[‘mqtt_statestream’][‘include’][‘entities’]. Got [‘sensor.Termostat_8_temperature.state’]. (See /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/configuration.yaml, line 77). Please check the docs at MQTT Statestream - Home Assistant
I first thought that it meant that there was a misprint in the entry, but there isn’t. It looks like it reads it as sensor.termostat while in the file it’s actually sensor.Termostat, like it says after “got”.
Edit: I also tried to replace the underscores in the 8 with .8. but that didn’t change anything.
Can somebody please tell me what’s wrong with this configuration?