MQTT still tries to use embedded broker

After upgrading to the lastest version, I had to install mosquitto because the embedded broker is now deprecated. Mosquitto is running, I restart HA and this is the mqtt section:

  port: 1883
  username: !secret mqtt_username
  password: !secret mqtt_password

but in the log it seems it still tries to use the embedded one (hbmqtt):

# cat home-assistant.log | grep mqtt
2019-11-02 18:20:28 INFO (SyncWorker_12) [homeassistant.util.package] Attempting install of hbmqtt==0.9.5
2019-11-02 18:20:28 INFO (SyncWorker_16) [homeassistant.loader] Loaded manual_mqtt from homeassistant.components.manual_mqtt
2019-11-02 18:20:37 ERROR (SyncWorker_12) [homeassistant.util.package] Unable to install package hbmqtt==0.9.5: Failed building wheel for docopt
2019-11-02 18:20:37 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Platform error: binary_sensor - Requirements for mqtt not found: ['hbmqtt==0.9.5'].
2019-11-02 18:20:48 INFO (SyncWorker_6) [homeassistant.util.package] Attempting install of hbmqtt==0.9.5
2019-11-02 18:20:57 ERROR (SyncWorker_6) [homeassistant.util.package] Unable to install package hbmqtt==0.9.5: Failed building wheel for docopt
2019-11-02 18:20:57 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Platform error: sensor - Requirements for mqtt not found: ['hbmqtt==0.9.5'].
2019-11-02 18:20:57 INFO (SyncWorker_2) [homeassistant.util.package] Attempting install of hbmqtt==0.9.5
2019-11-02 18:21:06 ERROR (SyncWorker_2) [homeassistant.util.package] Unable to install package hbmqtt==0.9.5: Failed building wheel for docopt
2019-11-02 18:21:06 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for mqtt: Requirements for mqtt not found: ['hbmqtt==0.9.5'].
2019-11-02 18:21:06 INFO (SyncWorker_9) [homeassistant.util.package] Attempting install of hbmqtt==0.9.5
2019-11-02 18:21:15 ERROR (SyncWorker_9) [homeassistant.util.package] Unable to install package hbmqtt==0.9.5: Failed building wheel for docopt
2019-11-02 18:21:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Platform error: alarm_control_panel - Requirements for mqtt not found: ['hbmqtt==0.9.5'].
2019-11-02 18:21:15 INFO (SyncWorker_8) [homeassistant.util.package] Attempting install of hbmqtt==0.9.5

Is there something else to change?

I’m also experiencing the same issue, does anyone have any tips to share?

I have mosquitto running on the same host, here is my Config .yaml

  port: 1883
  discovery: true
  discovery_prefix: homeassistant
    topic: 'hass/status'
    payload: 'online'
    topic: 'hass/status'
    payload: 'offline'

But after a restart when I look at Developer Tools -> Logs I get:

2020-03-07 19:47:19 ERROR (SyncWorker_12) [homeassistant.util.package] Unable to install package hbmqtt==0.9.5: Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.7/site-packages/hbmqtt-0.9.5.dist-info'
Consider using the `--user` option or check the permissions.
2020-03-07 19:47:19 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for mqtt: Requirements for mqtt not found: ['hbmqtt==0.9.5'].

I understood that hbmqtt is the deprecated embedded broker, and since I have mosquitto running I should not use that.

Mar 07 18:32:47 xxx systemd[1]: Starting Mosquitto MQTT v3.1/v3.1.1 Broker...
Mar 07 18:32:47 xxx systemd[1]: Started Mosquitto MQTT v3.1/v3.1.1 Broker.

Check this out :

Hi Francis,

Thanks for the suggestion.
I looked thru my core.config_entries file and I have nothing there to related to MQTT to delete and try to configure thru the YAML file.

I even tried looking for anything mqtt or broker in the .storage folder with grep and nothing came up:

root@glados:/home/hass/.homeassistant/.storage# grep -R "broker" *
root@glados:/home/hass/.homeassistant/.storage# grep -R "mqtt" *

So I didn’t configure it on the UI.