So I had not added any MQTT devices in a while, but all of them were working well. I created a BLE presence monitor using Monitor
The Monitor is working correctly, and I can see the topics in MQTT Explorer, and I can listen and publish to them in HA, but they wont show up. I created a sensor for them in the sensor yaml, and the sensor show up but is “unknown” so its not pulling it from MQTT. I restarted Mosquitto and noticed this error in the logs:
> [23:52:23] ERROR: Can't setup Home Assistant service mqtt
When I look at my mosquitto logs, I see devices connecting, and then immediately disconnecting, but MQTT explorer doesn’t seem to display this behavior.
1615306241: Client PiHole23824 disconnected.
1615306257: New connection from on port 1883.
[11:10:58] INFO: [INFO] found homeassistant on local database
1615306258: New client connected from as homeassistant6064 (p2, c1, k60, u'homeassistant').
1615306258: Client homeassistant6064 disconnected.
1615306258: New connection from 192.x.x.xx on port 1883.
1615306258: New client connected from 192.1xx.xx.xx as homeassistant6067 (p2, c1, k60, u'homeassistant').
1615306258: Client homeassistant6067 disconnected.
1615306258: New connection from 192.168.xx.xx on port 1883.
1615306258: New client connected from 192.xx.xx.xx as homeassistant6069 (p2, c1, k60, u'homeassistant').
1615306258: Client homeassistant6069 disconnected.
I’ve uninstalled+reinstalled MQTT, I previuosly has 10 devices, 102 entities, and now the only things I get are my two 3D printers, my tasmota tuya-converted devices no longer appear, for example.
I also set up the version of “monitor” on HA that is running off of the HA Pi4, its in a different location so I figured having more than one would be good, these topics, too are not seen by HA but are seen in MQTT explorer.
Where do I begin troubleshooting? I have debated started HA fresh, because when I set this up last summer I didnt really know what I was doing, and starting fresh with a better understanding of everything doesnt sound HORRIBLE, but I am not looking forward to doing this due to MQTT.