I try to connect my Tasmota devices with HA.
I configurate a Pi4 with HA (docker):Home Assistant with Docker on Raspberry Pi - the 2023 guide. I installed and configurated manual a mosquito Broker with ID & PW.
So far, so good, I can can connect all the devices to the Broker.
(The Order “sudo netstat -ntp | grep ESTABLISHED.*mosquitto” list all the connected IP.)
In HA I configurated the MQTT integration (IP/PORT/ID/PW). The Tasmota integration find a config, but only one Device?. The Tasmota Version in all Devices are eaqual and the MQTT config also.
I set the config to the default topic, but this was not the bug fix.
The Tasmota devices are delock switches, only the one I can connect are A ESP ESP8266 configurated with tasmota web installer.
I’ve run out of ideas as to what could be the cause, do you have any?
Best regards