Hi, I am using the mqtt template cover to trigger a sonoff dual r2 embedded in the wall in order to drive the shutter motor. I know that the shutter needs around 45 seconds to fully close from open and around 50 seconds to go from closed to full open. Since I don’t drive the motor from any other source except HA the state cannot change from any other source so whatever state HA will store will be the one.
I would like to incorporate a logic to update the cover state but I don’t know how to implement it. I call your expertise for help.
so this is the code I use
- platform: template
friendly_name: "Balcony Bedroom Shutter"
- service: mqtt.publish
topic: 'cmnd/bedroombalcony/power2'
payload: 'OFF'
- service: mqtt.publish
topic: 'cmnd/bedroombalcony/power1'
payload: 'ON'
- service: mqtt.publish
topic: 'cmnd/bedroombalcony/power1'
payload: 'OFF'
- service: mqtt.publish
topic: 'cmnd/bedroombalcony/power2'
payload: 'ON'
- service: mqtt.publish
topic: 'cmnd/bedroombalcony/power1'
payload: 'OFF'
- service: mqtt.publish
topic: 'cmnd/bedroombalcony/power2'
payload: 'OFF'
I want to have an automation (?) that monitors the topic and if power1 ON detected counts how many seconds till it detects power1 OFF and the same for power2. for every 1 second, the position is updated by 2 open=100 closed=0.
Starting from fully open (1 st time usage) state will be 100 then if power1 ON for 10 seconds then status will update to 80. if then it detects the POWER2 ON for 5 seconds then the status should be updated to 90. hope you get logic here.
now I use a very simple automation in order to close the sonoff and it works great. I don’t care if the motor shutter reaches a bit earlier the fully open or fully closed position because the motor is calibrated to stop when the shutters reach a specific point so no harm if sonoff is still open even after the motor has been stopped.
- alias: 'Stop down shutter after x time'
platform: mqtt
topic: cmnd/bedroombalcony/power1
payload: 'ON'
- delay: '00:00:45'
- service: cover.stop_cover
entity_id: cover.balcony_bedroom_cover
- alias: 'Stop up shutter after x time'
platform: mqtt
topic: cmnd/bedroombalcony/power2
payload: 'ON'
- delay: '00:00:50'
- service: cover.stop_cover
entity_id: cover.balcony_bedroom_cover
Can someone help me toward the right direction? thank youuuuu.