Mqtt template switch

Hello everybody! I want to introduce the custom component which extends the basic functionality of the mqtt switch with following properties:


example configuration.yaml:

  - platform: mqtt_template
    name: laundry-fan
    state_topic: "home/bathroom/switch/laundry-fan/state"
    command_topic: "home/bathroom/switch/laundry-fan"
    payload_template_on: '{"action":"hold","duration": {{(states.input_number.fan_duration.state
        | int)*1000}}}'
    payload_off: '{"action":"off"}'
    state_on: 1
    state_off: 0

the easiest way to install this add in hacs custom repository:

or just copy the folder in custom_components.

UPD: from now it is included in HACS repository

I get rid of a lot of triggering automations and wish you’ll too :wink:

Why a custom component?

Did you propose that as a pull request for the core component and get it rejected?

Because it looks like a worthwhile addition to the core component to me.

It’s in plans ). But a custom component is easier and faster then contributing in core

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