Mqtt text not receiving


I am running a script on one of my servers which checks the health of an array and publishes the text output of megacli using mqtt.

I configured an mqtt text sensor in HA to recieve this.
But somehow the entity stays undefined.
The payload:

-- Controller information --
-- ID | H/W Model                | RAM    | Temp | BBU    | Firmware     
c0    | LSI MegaRAID SAS 9240-4i | 0MB    | N/A  | Absent | FW: 20.11.1-0137 

-- Array information --
-- ID | Type   |    Size |  Strpsz | Flags | DskCache |   Status |  OS Path | CacheCade |InProgress   
c0u0  | RAID-1 |    930G |   64 KB | RA,WT |  Default |  Optimal | /dev/sdb | None      |None         
c0u1  | RAID-1 |    893G |   64 KB | RA,WT |  Default | Degraded | /dev/sdc | None      |None         

-- Disk information --
-- ID   | Type | Drive Model                                   | Size     | Status          | Speed    | Temp | Slot ID  | LSI ID  
c0u0p0  | SSD  | 2144FQ450102 SanDisk SDSSDH3 1T00 415020RL    | 930.3 Gb | Online, Spun Up | 6.0Gb/s  | N/A  | [64:0]   | 5       
c0u0p1  | SSD  | 20371D801058 SanDisk SSD PLUS 1000GB UH5100RL | 930.3 Gb | Online, Spun Up | 6.0Gb/s  | N/A  | [64:3]   | 6       
c0u1p1  | SSD  | HKR02P2BXA960LE10063 SF441121                 | 893.1 Gb | Online, Spun Up | 6.0Gb/s  | N/A  | [64:2]   | 7       

There is at least one disk/array in a NOT OPTIMAL state.
RAID ERROR - Arrays: OK:1 Bad:1 - Disks: OK:3 Bad:0


  - name: megaraid_text
    unique_id: megaraid_text
    state_topic: maul/state/megaraid_text
    command_topic: maul/bla

(command topic is not needed, as the script does not listen, only submit)…
Does anyone know this problem and could give me some hints?
bBest regards and thanks in advance,

States can only be a maximum of 255 characters.

Check Settings → System → Logs, there’s probably an error about this.

Attributes can hold up to 65k chars.

Thanks a lot for this clarification.
I found tons of stuff regarding json_attribute, but this text is just a text, not json.
Can this be done with HA?
I only want to have this text in the GUI, do not need to work with it…
Best regards and thanks in advance,