Hi all,
I just started with tinkering with Home Assistant few weeks back.
I have previously setup AlexaPi on a Raspberry Pi and also bought one Broadlink RM Pro to control some of the IR enabled devices in my home.
Instead of controlling the IR enabled devices through the e-Control (broadlink app), I m hoping to be able to control the devices from AlexaPi. Since the Alexa Voice Service (AVS) is not capable of performing local discovery on the devices in the same local network, I will need to find an alternative to make my AlexaPi to talk the devices.
That is how i came across HA and using IFTTT to trigger components HA through rest API. But, this requires me to open up a local secure tunnel using Ngrok or perform some port forwarding on my router.
Due to some restriction, I have no access to my router and the port forwarding solution will not work in my case. Besides that, I have some concern having to expose the home assistant web api to the internet (Maybe can share some suggestion on how to make this more secured?)
Then, I also found out that there is another options to trigger events on Home Assistant from Alexa, which is to send message to a MQTT broker and have HA listening to a certain topic. I have subscribed to a free plan on CloudMQTT and setup a trial MQTT Light component to listen to message from CloudMQTT.
Using a MQTT client to publish message, I m able to send message to trigger On/Off for the MQTT light on the HA. But, the problem is that I want to use the same setup to trigger the IR device that i have already setup on HA using the Broadlink component.
I m not sure if there is any way to have a component listening to the MQTT message and forward it to the broadlink component? I m new to Python and still reading the HA documentation. Perhaps anyone can shed some light on this?
Thanks alot.