MQTT Topic doesn't show up

I am using mosquitto MQTT broker, but strange things are happening. At least strange to me.
My core problem is that the Ring-MQTT integration worked once, but then all became unavailable. I have tried the uninstalled all I found. Uninstalling the add-ons integration and broker and deleting all entities that related to it.

After reinstalling I find lots of Ring messages in the MQTT-Explorer, but they are not to be found as entities in HA. So there must be a missing link, but I am out of ideas.

To make it more interesting, SolarAssistant sents messages to MQTT as well. They are shown when I look for devices in MQTT and work fine. However I can’t see any of those in the MQTT Explorer.

What do you need to help, to see where I messed up?


Seems to me Ring sends mqtt messages to broker A, which is visible in MQTT Explorer, but not connected to HA, and Solar Assistant sends mqtt messages to broker B which is connected to HA.

Beware HA can only connect to one broker, so you need to make Ring use the broker Solar Assistant uses, or setup a mqtt bridge between broker A and broker B.

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Indeed SolarAssistant is running its own MQTT broker. I now linked Ring to that one and everything works.