MQTT - Topic in Automation no longer triggering a subscription

This seems to have changed in 0.90.x… But up until now, I had the below automations which worked perfectly. HASS would subscribe to the relevant topics and perform the action on status change. Now, I can see that on status change, the events are still getting published; however, HASS is no longer subscribing at start up. Any have any tips here?

- id: '1547693872781'
  alias: MQTT - Mudroom Light Control - Single Click
  - payload: 'ON'
    platform: mqtt
    topic: Relay/buttons/0/click/1
  condition: []
  - data:
      entity_id: light.mudroom_bulb
    service: light.toggle
- id: '1547694958119'
  alias: MQTT - Mudroom Light Control - Double Click
  - payload: 'ON'
    platform: mqtt
    topic: Relay/buttons/0/click/2
  condition: []
  - data:
      brightness: 255
      entity_id: light.mudroom_bulb
    service: light.turn_on

First thing to check is if your new version of Home Assistant is connected to the MQTT Broker.

Check the following thread and see if it applies to your situation:

Thanks, but that is not my issue. MQTT continues to work - with the exception of topics that are subscribed through automations.

Just trying to get an idea of the scope of the problem: Is it only the automations that aren’t being triggered or everything that’s MQTT-based (sensors, lights, switches, etc) is also failing to receive payloads via their subscribed topics?

Can you still, for example, use an MQTT Switch to control a device? In other words, Home Assistant can publish to a topic but fails to subscribe to a topic.

Oh don’t worry - I appreciate the sanity check :slight_smile: Yes, everything else works. So, for all entities which I manually create in my config OR are created by discovery, it works - and I see in the log hass subscribing to all the topics - and it does process them… All except Relay/buttons/0/click/1 and Relay/buttons/0/click/2 :frowning:


I just realized that somehow the automations were off. Ugh.

That was going to be my next question … seeing that the problem was limited to the topics used by … the automations.
