Mqtt topic: only use one value for a sensor


I use a ESP8266 to get information from my solar charge controller via mqtt.
When I listen to the topic Epever/EPEVER_8b403c/AllJsonData under mqtt, I get the following information: { "EpeverTime" : "2023-03-03 15:23:36" , "PanelV" : 2.13 , "PanelI" : 0.00 , "PanelP" : 0.00 , "PanelminV" : 0.00 , "PanelmaxV" : 89.23 , "BatteryV" : 45.77 , "BatteryI" : 0.00 , "BatteryP" : 0.00 , "BatterySOC" : 0.00 , "BatteryNetI" : 0.00 , "BatteryminV" : 44.92 , "BatterymaxV" : 47.44 , "LoadV" : 0.00 , "LoadI" : 0.00 , "LoadP" : 0.00 , "LoadState" : "Off" , "Co2Reduction" : 0.27 , "Consumed_Day" : 0.00 , "Consumed_All" : 0.00 , "Generated_Day" : 4.06 , "Generated_All" : 274.44 , "BatteryVoltState" : "Fault" , "BatteryTempState" : "Normal" , "ChargerChargeState" : "Off"}
I want to store the “PanelP” in a sensor to display the value in the lovelace.
In configuaration.yaml I included:

      - platform: mqtt
        name: "EPEVER_Leistung"
        state_topic: "Epever/EPEVER_8b403c/AllJsonData"
        unit_of_measurement: "W"

This doesn´t work. On the one hand no entity (EPEVER Leistung) is created after a restart and on the other hand I only want the value of “PanelP”.
How do you do that?


I’ve already seen this site, but probably didn’t read it carefully enough.
Thank you :wink:

      - platform: mqtt
        name: "EPEVER_Leistung"
        state_topic: "Epever/EPEVER_8b403c/AllJsonData"
        value_template: "{{ value_json.PanelP }}"
        unit_of_measurement: "W"