I have a slightly odd issue that I’m struggling to understand.
I have a sensor connected via MQTT which sends the amount of rain that falls in a given period, usually 5 minutes. I want to add this to a running total to get the daily rainfall.
Initially I thought I could use a state trigger but this doesn’t appear to work if the value remains the same, ie continuous rain at 1mm per 5 minutes for an hour.
My solution was to create an automation that triggered on receiving an MQTT message then using a template to add it to the total.
I have an input_text helper to store the rain_total
and the MQTT payload goes into rain_live
and for debugging I display these on a dashboard and can see the MQTT value being displayed correctly.
The oddity is that it appears to update the rain_total
with the previous value sent over MQTT, so if I send 0,1,2,3,0 I get totals of 0,0,1,3,6 rather than 0,1,3,6,6
This is the automation:
alias: rain_total
description: ""
- platform: mqtt
topic: rain_live
condition: []
- action: input_text.set_value
metadata: {}
value: >-
{{ states ('input_text.rain_total')|float(0) +
entity_id: input_text.rain_total
mode: single
Can somebody point me in the right direction.