MQTT Unabailable for short period on HA-OS Reboot


Im currently running HA-OS (Core & OS on newest release).

Within my Instance, im using the Mosquitto Add-On for MQTT and Zigbee2Mqtt for my Zigbee sensors.

Once a week i reboot my Host-Machine (Intel Nuc i5) to keep everything running smoothly. (Daily HA Restarts and 1x Week Host-Reboot. I know, reboot shouldn’t be neccessary but i found it to help keep the system running smoother and would really like to keep it that way.)

Whenever the systems reboots, i noticed my zigbee-sensors being unavailable for a few seconds (usually less than a minuter) when the UI is back up. I was able to reproduce this simply by restarting the Mosquitto Add-On, so i assume that it’s normal behavior as the add-on starts only after the OS is “alive”.

Usually this wouldn’t bother me too much but i have a few things set-up, that tend to misbehave when this happens. Better Thermostat tends to set my heating to random values, as it cant handle the non-numeric state of the temp-sensors. Same goes for the generic hygrostat, which sets target-humidity to 100% every time it get’s a non-numeric value. A ‘sync states’ blueprint which i use produces errors after reboot, as it doesnt expect “unknown” as a value for a lightswitch.

I tired quite a few things changing up the persistence config, setting up a disk-db for persistence, or messing with watchdog and start-on-boot. However i can simply not figure out how to solve this.

I assume that switching away from HA-OS and running stuff like mosquitto on a different machine (that doesn’t restart) would be a fix. However, I am really happy with HA-OS and would like to keep it. Is there any other solution that would allow me, to maybe change the “boot-order” so it gets Mosquitto running before HA starts up? Or did anyone else have this same problem and find a different solution?

Im considering switching to ZHA, which has proven to work, but i’d rather stay with Z2M if i could.

Any help is appreciated!

That is not an optimal solution. Stop doing it. The only time you should need to reboot the host is for OS updates.

Not that I know of.

I would report (separate) issues for the thermostat and hygrostat not handling unknown inputs correctly. Same for the blueprint.

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