MQTT Victron SOC sensor not showing up and issues with Battery in Energy Dashboard

Hello there,

I tried to setup a SOC Sensor from json values in MQTT here my config so far.

      state_class: total_increasing

      state_class: total_increasing
      state_class: measurement

      state_class: total_increasing

      state_class: total_increasing
  - name: "Gaszähler"
    unique_id: gasmetercount
    device_class: gas
    state_topic: "Gasmeter/qubikmeter"
    unit_of_measurement: "m³"

  - name: "Batterieladezustand"
    state_topic: "N/b827eb66f436/system/0/Batteries"
    unit_of_measurement: "%"
    device_class: battery
    unique_id: "state of battery"
    value_template: "{{ value_json['value'].soc }}"

  - name: "OutBatterie"
    state_topic: "N/b827eb66f436/vebus/289/Energy/InverterToAcIn1"
    unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
    device_class: energy
    unique_id: "InverterToAcIn1"
    value_template: "{{ value_json['value']|round(3)}}"

  - name: "InBatterie"
    state_topic: "N/b827eb66f436/vebus/289/Energy/AcIn1ToInverter"
    unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
    device_class: energy
    unique_id: "AcIn1ToInverter"
    value_template: "{{ value_json['value']|round(3)}}"

  - name: "Netzeinspeisung"
    state_topic: "N/b827eb66f436/grid/30/Ac/Energy/Reverse"
    unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
    device_class: energy
    unique_id: "energy total to grid"
    value_template: "{{ value_json['value']|int}}"

this is the MQTT topic and its values:


{"value": [{"voltage": 48.09000015258789, "instance": 512, "id": "com.victronenergy.battery.socketcan_can0", "temperature": 20.899999618530273, "power": 0.0, "state": 0, "name": "Pylontech battery", "active_battery_service": true, "current": 0.0, "soc": 9}]}

no matter what iam doing, the sensor.state_of_battery is not showing up in entities what so ever.
i do not understand why. All other sensors are working fine. Where is the Catch?

Then i tried to integrate sensor.AcIn1ToInverter and sensor.InverterToAcIn1.
but the sensors are not choosable in energy battery Dashboard.
Why? I already set unit_of_measurement, device_class and state_class.
Otherwise this sensors are working fine.

“value” is an array, so

{{ value_json['value'][0].soc }}

thanks. is working now.

also i dit misconfiguration in device_class settings.