Good Afternoon Everyone, I’ve been banging my head against the wall for most of the day now trying to get my Mosquitto integration working. So I’m using the Home Assistant Add On for Mosquitto, and it appears to be working. In order to see any published messages I had to use the “MQTT” Integration through the “+” button on the bottom right of the integration page. With this done I am now able to see published messages through the Developer Tools. My current problem is that I am unable to get any informaiton that I publish added as an entity to HA. Is there something that I’m doing wrong? I’ve tried both adding sensors to the config file as well as sending the Motion Detection discovery topics, however, in both cases HA does not appear to have seen anything. I’m happy to copy any of my current configs and send if someone is in a position to help, and I’d really appreciate any assistance anyone can give. FYSA I’m currently using MQTTBox to generate and publish MQTT messages.