MQTT without auth but device sends auth

I am trying to use the mqtt mosquito integration available in supervisor and do so without authentication (I know not the best practice but nothing touches the network)

Ideally I would have auth for everything and just whitelist one device which I can’t authenticate with.

Essentially I have a fridge that sends its mqtt data to a provider that I can’t connect to (username/pass etc) - so my issue comes in the fridge sending the username/pass

I have set anonymous logon to true but that will only accept a login if no password is passed, because password is passed I am getting

Socket error on client , disconnecting.

I have setup another mosquito mqtt on unraid docket and the device connected fine and reports the data (so I can start writing an integration)

But - I would really prefer to just have all mqtt in the same HomeAssiatant install

How can I get the fridge to authenticate ?

I see in changelog for 6.0.0 that support for anonymous logon was removed - but - why ?

I get wanting it by default but if we WANT to allow anyone to connect shouldn’t we be able to?

To add to the above - I NEED anonymous because I don’t have the username/password details for the fridge - therefore I can’t even create an account to allow the connection…

If it is connecting to the unraid machine you can sniff the password it is using.

I will have a look at the logs of unraid - that will help for now but as I am looking to build an integration that works for others it would be best to not need to sniff a password simply to reconfigure it in another system.

I definitely get defaulting to using a username/pass but don’t know why we can’t have an option to disable if we want

Anonymous logon lets you logon without username/pass (and even with just a username) but if you try to logon with a username+pass it denies the logon

Want to make it simple for others to setup so with the developer not allowing access to their logon credentials and HA not allowing a logon without auth puts that in a hard place

By the way, how do you get the fridge to connect to your own mqtt server?