Multi channel remote audio integration - request for suggestions

I’m trying to integrated Home Assistant Text to Speah with multi speaker environment. My HA works on a VM and can be migrated to a different physical ESXI host, so I can’t tie my USB audio device (8 channel Behringer U-PHORIA UMC1820) to a fixed host running HA, but I can connect the audio device to a dedicated Linux/Windows audio server host (NUC type). Now, what HA integration would allow me to use this remote audio host from within HA the way I could work with every single audio channel separately or arrange them in groups? Is there any particular audio client/server integration that can get me close to what I’m looking for?

Hello Suhl,
Have you found a solution to your above problem? I’m also looking on how to connect a behringer as a usb audio input in my NUC hosting home assistant os so that I can stream this audio to other speakers. Thx !