Multi-device IR Controller

I recently got a dinosaur night light for my kids, that is controlled by an IR remote. Also I have a floor fan (Honeywell/Kaz hy254tgt “Quietset”) that is controlled by IR that I keep in their room as it gets hotter in the summer.

My goal was is to be able to modify the night light settings (color/brightness/on/off) as well as fan speed.

I picked up one of the IR shields for a D1 mini, and came up with the following for ESPHome. I create a representation of the night light and the fan. As long as they’re not controlled by real remotes or physical buttons they work pretty well. I thought i’d share in case this turns out to be helpful to anyone else with similar goals!

I also was going to put a DHT on to better decide on fan speeds but i’m finding that either wifi interference or heat on the D1 mini is making it unreliable. Any advice there is welcome!

  name: kids_ir
  platform: ESP8266
  board: d1_mini

  ssid: !secret wifi_front_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_front_password
  fast_connect: on

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Kids IR Fallback Hotspot"
    password: !secret fallbck_hotspot


# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API


  - id: previous_dino_state
    type: float
  - id: previous_fan_state
    type: float
  - id: previous_fan_osc_state
    type: float

  pin: D3
  # Infrared remotes use a 50% carrier signal
  carrier_duty_percent: 50%

  - platform: speed
    name: "Quietset fan"
    output: fan_power_output
    oscillation_output: fan_osc_output
      low: 0.25
      medium: 0.5
      high: 1.0
  - platform: monochromatic
    name: "Dinosaur Night Light"
    default_transition_length: 0s
    output: dino_output
      - lambda:
          name: Green
          update_interval: 30s
          lambda: id(green).execute();
      - lambda:
          name: Red
          update_interval: 30s
          lambda: id(red).execute();
      - lambda:
          name: Blue
          update_interval: 30s
          lambda: id(blue).execute();
      - lambda:
          name: White
          update_interval: 30s
          lambda: id(white).execute();
      - lambda:
          name: Flash
          update_interval: 30s
          lambda: id(flash_pattern).execute();
      - lambda:
          name: Fade
          update_interval: 30s
          lambda: id(fade_pattern).execute();
      - lambda:
          name: Strobe
          update_interval: 30s
          lambda: id(strobe_pattern).execute();
      - lambda:
          name: Smooth
          update_interval: 30s
          lambda: id(smooth_pattern).execute();
  - platform: template
    type: float
    id: dino_output
      - lambda: |-
          ESP_LOGD("brightness", "previous state: %f, new state %f", id(previous_dino_state), state);
          /* turning off */
          if (state == 0) {
          } else {
            /* turn on */
            if (id(previous_dino_state) == 0) {
            /* adjust brightness - 5 increments*/
            if (id(previous_dino_state) < state) {
                for (float i=id(previous_dino_state); i <= state; i+=.15) {
            } else {
                for (float i=id(previous_dino_state); i >= state; i-=.15) {
          id(previous_dino_state) = state;
  - platform: template
    type: float
    id: fan_power_output
      - lambda: |-
          ESP_LOGD("fan", "previous state: %f, new state %f", id(previous_fan_state), state);
          /* turning off */
          if (state == 0) {
          } else {
            /* turn on */
            if (id(previous_fan_state) == 0) {
            /* adjust speed - need to map 5 increments to 3*/
            if (id(previous_fan_state) != state) {
              int steps = 0;
              float old_state = id(previous_fan_state);
              /* H->L */
              if ((old_state > 0.75) && (state == 0.25)) {
                steps = 1;
              /* 0->M, L->M, M->H */
              } else if (((old_state < 0.25) && (state == 0.50)) ||
                         ((old_state == 0.25) && (state == 0.50)) ||
                         ((old_state == 0.50) && (state == 1.00))) {
                steps = 2;
              /* M->L, H->M */
              } else if (((old_state > 0.75) && (state == 0.50)) ||
                         ((old_state == 0.5) && (state == 0.25))) {
                steps = 3;
              /* 0->H, L->H */
              } else if (((old_state < 0.25) && (state == 1.0)) ||
                         ((old_state == 0.25) && (state == 1.0))) {
                steps = 4;
              ESP_LOGD("fan", "%d increment steps", steps);
              for (int i=0; i < steps; i++) {
          id(previous_fan_state) = state;
  - platform: template
    type: float
    id: fan_osc_output
      - lambda: |-
          ESP_LOGD("fan osc", "previous state: %f, new state %f", id(previous_fan_osc_state), state);
          if (id(previous_fan_osc_state) != state) {
            id(previous_fan_osc_state) = state;

  - id: brightness_up
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_lg:
          data: 0x00FFA05F
          nbits: 32
  - id: brightness_down
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_lg:
          data: 0x00FF20DF
          nbits: 32
  - id: turn_on_dino
    #turn on light
    - remote_transmitter.transmit_lg:
        data: 0x00FFE01F
        nbits: 32
  - id: turn_off_dino
      #turn off light
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_lg:
          data: 0x00FF609F
          nbits: 32
  - id: smooth_pattern
    #set smooth pattern
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_lg:
          data: 0x00FFC837
          nbits: 32
  - id: fade_pattern
    #set fade pattern
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_lg:
          data: 0x00FF609F
          nbits: 32
  - id: strobe_pattern
    #set strobe pattern
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_lg:
          data: 0x00FFD827
          nbits: 32
  - id: flash_pattern
    #set Flash pattern
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_lg:
          data: 0x00FFE817
          nbits: 32
  - id: red
    #set red pattern
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_lg:
          data: 0x00FF906F
          nbits: 32
  - id: green
    #set green pattern
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_lg:
          data: 0x00FF10EF
          nbits: 32
  - id: blue
    #set blue pattern
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_lg:
          data: 0x00FF50AF
          nbits: 32
  - id: white
    #set white pattern
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_lg:
          data: 0x00FFD02F
          nbits: 32
  - id: toggle_fan_power
    #turn on or off the fan
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
          code: [+1259,-402,+1259,-402,+402,-1259,+1259,-402,+1259,-402,+402,-1259,+402,-1259,+402,-1259,+402,-1259,+1259,-402,+402,-1259,+402,-8087]
          carrier_frequency: 37344
  - id: increment_fan_speed
    #increment the fan's speed (starts at 1 goes to 5 and then wraps)
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
          code: [+1259,-402,+1259,-402,+402,-1259,+1259,-402,+1259,-402,+1259,-402,+402,-1259,+402,-1259,+402,-1259,+1259,-402,+1259,-402,+402,-8087]
          carrier_frequency: 37344
  - id: toggle_fan_oscillate
    #toggle the oscillation mode of the fan
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
          code: [+1259,-402,+1259,-402,+402,-1259,+1259,-402,+1259,-402,+1259,-402,+402,-1259,+402,-1259,+402,-1259,+402,-1259,+1259,-402,+1259,-7230]
          carrier_frequency: 37344

#Disable until needing to program more
#  pin:
#    number: D4
#    #D1 mini IR shield needs to be flipped
#    inverted: True
#  dump: all

  #this is here since fan.oscillate() service from HA seems to not be working
  - platform: template
    name: QuietSet Fan Oscillate
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
          code: [+1259,-402,+1259,-402,+402,-1259,+1259,-402,+1259,-402,+1259,-402,+402,-1259,+402,-1259,+402,-1259,+402,-1259,+1259,-402,+1259,-7230]
          carrier_frequency: 37344

#unused color patterns
#  - platform: template
#    name: Kids Night Light Red-Orange
#    turn_on_action:
#      - remote_transmitter.transmit_lg:
#          data: 0x00FFB04F
#          nbits: 32
#  - platform: template
#    name: Kids Night Light Orange
#    turn_on_action:
#      - remote_transmitter.transmit_lg:
#          data: 0x00FFA857
#          nbits: 32
#  - platform: template
#    name: Kids Night Light Orange-Yellow
#    turn_on_action:
#      - remote_transmitter.transmit_lg:
#          data: 0x00FF9867
#          nbits: 32
#  - platform: template
#    name: Kids Night Light Yellow
#    turn_on_action:
#      - remote_transmitter.transmit_lg:
#          data: 0x00FF8877
#          nbits: 32
#  - platform: template
#    name: Kids Night Light Light green
#    turn_on_action:
#      - remote_transmitter.transmit_lg:
#          data: 0x00FF30CF
#          nbits: 32
#  - platform: template
#    name: Kids Night Light Aquamarine
#    turn_on_action:
#      - remote_transmitter.transmit_lg:
#          data: 0x00FF28D7
#          nbits: 32
#  - platform: template
#    name: Kids Night Light Aquamarine Green
#    turn_on_action:
#      - remote_transmitter.transmit_lg:
#          data: 0x00FF18E7
#          nbits: 32
#  - platform: template
#    name: Kids Night Light Dark Green
#    turn_on_action:
#      - remote_transmitter.transmit_lg:
#          data: 0x00FF08F7
#          nbits: 32
#  - platform: template
#    name: Kids Night Light Light blue
#    turn_on_action:
#      - remote_transmitter.transmit_lg:
#          data: 0x00FF708F
#          nbits: 32
#  - platform: template
#    name: Kids Night Light Purple
#    turn_on_action:
#      - remote_transmitter.transmit_lg:
#          data: 0x00FF6897
#          nbits: 32
#  - platform: template
#    name: Kids Night Light Mauve
#    turn_on_action:
#      - remote_transmitter.transmit_lg:
#          data: 0x00FF58A7
#          nbits: 32
#  - platform: template
#    name: Kids Night Light Pink
#    turn_on_action:
#      - remote_transmitter.transmit_lg:
#          data: 0x00FF48B7
#          nbits: 32

Looks nice!
I’ve implemented my sv receiver also via ir, but used template switches for everything. Power is normal, vol up/down has only a pseudo turn_off action and since I use only 2 inputs, I turn the other input switch when I turn the other one off.
For the dht add a bit of distance between esp and dht, so the heat and wifi signals can’t influence the dht as much as now. I got a bmp280 and positioned it outside of the case so it can’t get influenced much and it’s temperature readings are more accurate