Multi endpoint nodes in zwave groups to solve a switching problem

Trying to solve a ridiculously simple problem that seems to be very complicated - all I want is two switches on the wall that sends a message to switch on/off two seperate lamps already connected to the two output channels on a fibaro 223 EU zwave relay.

Due to WAF, the 2 dash buttons currently in use are not long term acceptable, nor is some janky looking plasticy switch. I have some nice looking metal momentary switches ready to go if I can just get the tech behind them to work.

If I put another fibaro 223 behind the switch, I can pick up the state changes, although there will be no direct load on the relay. I can then use an automation via HA to toggle the individual lamps. This adds an unnecessary delay.

If I configure the two switches to zwave groups for speed, I can only assign to the single node which both are connected to, I cannot break out and only call one group. Ie I can associate to zwave.couch_lights but not the individual endpoints switch.couch_lights_round_light or switch.couch_lights_tall_light

I believe that addressing the individual endpoints is possible in other software but I’d like to solve it in HA if possible.

Talking to myself, first sign of madness, but possibly useful for me or someone else looking for this in the future.

Restating this - Fibaro FGS-223 Z-Wave Dual Relays have two endpoints per node. Home Assistant (and OpenHAB) only allow you to address the entire node, not the individual endpoints.

I temporarily resolved this by using an automation in HA, which sometimes worked instantly and sometimes had a delay.

I started looking into the OZW API to see if I could call the group association I needed directly, but stumbled across Domoticz which allowed me to call it from within their front end.

Associating Node 6 Group 2 with “2.1” in Domoticz now shows up in HA as “Couch Lights (Node:2 Complete)/ Instance: 1” and Group 4 with “2.2” in Domoticz now shows up in HA as “Couch Lights (Node:2 Complete)/ Instance: 2”

It’s annoying that HA doesn’t (currently) allow this configuration directly, but good for me that I’ve managed to solve this problem!

I have the same problem. Did you find a solution?

I am probably going to order two single relays to get around the issue.

Hi, glad to hear it’s not just me!

As mentioned in my reply to myself, I worked around this by using Domoticz to do the ZWave group association, which made the config change onto the network, then just stopped using Domoticz. It shows up fine in HA as expected, it just can’t be changed from HA which is weird.

If I ever need to change it, and HA hasn’t added the endpoint addressing, I’ll have to spin up Domoticz again to do the config, or think about doing it by hand in the OZW API.

This issue still exists, I think it’s exactly what I’ve been facing trying to set associations between some thermostats and an FGS-223. HA only allows association with a node, rather than with the entities of that node, which makes it impossible to create associations correctly.

Yeah, I’ve just had to swap out this module due to a fault (antenna fell off!) and I’ve had to fire up Domoticz again to re-do the mapping at the ZWave network grouping level.

I want to achieve something similar: S2 momentary switch input of a first FGS-223 should control Q1 output of a second FGS-223 module. I’m running

Does anyone know how to achieve this direct association (not via an automation) with

I’ve still got this working as you describe, but it is not configurable via Home Assistant - I can view it in there, but have to load up Domoticz to set it/modify it (think it is also possible in OpenHab, can’t remember)

In my Node Group Associations under Z-Wave Network Management, the item in question shows on the S1 trigger
Other Nodes in this group:

Couch Lights (Node: 13 Complete)/ Instance: 2

So Home Assistant understands that there are 2 end points in the item, but it only lets you select one.

I’ll look at logging a bug ticket for it as it seems to be an ongoing issue for a small number of people.